
What is Legal Outsourcing?

In the modern world, it's important for companies to maximize profits while minimizing costs. Legal outsourcing offers the business sector an opportunity to achieve maximum profits with lower expenses and conduct operations without legal barriers. Today, medium and large companies need to resolve legal issues either daily or with varying frequency. In such cases, companies face a choice: either employ in-house lawyers and pay them quite high salaries, or avoid creating an in-house legal position but pay substantial fees to different specialized lawyers or law firms for resolving each individual legal issue.

Why Should You Use Legal Outsourcing?

A legal outsourcing provider offers you a third alternative. For the same amount you would pay to in-house lawyers or other attorneys, you can hire a monthly team of lawyers who are specialized in your business area and are ready to provide legal services for various legal problems/issues. Consequently, you don't need to hire an in-house lawyer; instead, you have a contracted legal organization that is ready to provide legal assistance in all areas of law at any time, at a much lower cost, faster, and with higher quality.

Package name Basic Pro Premium
Document Drafting
Representation with Government Branches
Personal Lawyer
Representation in Court
Monthly Fee 549 ₾ 849 ₾ 1349 ₾
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549 ₾
  • კონსულტაცია
  • დოკუმენტაციის მომზადება
  • სასამართლოში წარმომადგენლობა
  • მეტის გაგება


849 ₾
  • კონსულტაცია
  • დოკუმენტაციის მომზადება
  • სასამართლოში წარმომადგენლობა
  • ადმინისტრაციულ ორგანოებში წარმომადგენლობა
  • მეტის გაგება


1349 ₾
  • კონსულტაცია
  • დოკუმენტაციის მომზადება
  • სასამართლოში წარმომადგენლობა
  • ადმინისტრაციულ ორგანოებში წარმომადგენლობა
  • პირადი იურისტი
  • მეტის გაგება