Obtaining a work residence permit
One of the types of residence permits provided for by Georgian legislation is a work residence permit. A work residence permit is issued to a foreigner for the purpose of carrying out entrepreneurial or labor activities in Georgia. Any activity from which a person receives remuneration is considered labor activity. The issuance of residence permits is regulated by the Law of Georgia "On the Legal Status of Aliens and Stateless Persons" and Resolution No. 520 of the Government of Georgia of September 1, 2014 "On Approval of the Rule for Consideration and Decision on Issuance of Residence Permits in Georgia". To obtain a work residence permit, a foreigner must apply to the Public Service Development Agency (Public Service Hall) - a legal entity of public law operating under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. To obtain a work residence permit, a foreigner must submit the following to the agency: 1. Application form of the established format - this application form can be obtained at Public Service Halls. 2. A photograph, size 3/4. 3. Copy of the foreigner's travel document - A foreigner's passport may be submitted to the agency without a Georgian translation if it contains the foreigner's personal data in Latin transliteration. 4. Copy of the document confirming legal stay in Georgia - Georgian visa or other document confirming that you are legally staying in Georgia. 5. Document confirming entrepreneurial or labor activity in Georgia - Employment contract or other document confirming employment. If these documents do not confirm the foreigner's legal income, the amount on the foreigner's personal bank account (including a certificate issued by the bank) can also be considered as income, which, taking into account the duration of the work residence permit, should not be less than five times the subsistence minimum of an average consumer defined in Georgia monthly. 6. A certificate confirming that their monthly income/remuneration from entrepreneurial or labor activities in Georgia is not less than five times the subsistence minimum of an average consumer defined in Georgia. 7. A document issued by the LEPL - Revenue Service, confirming that the annual turnover of the enterprise employing the foreign applicant or the enterprise founded by them is not less than 50,000 GEL for each foreigner seeking a work residence permit. If the foreigner's employer or the enterprise founded by them is an educational or medical institution, the annual turnover is at least 35,000 GEL for each foreigner seeking a work residence permit. 8. Receipt confirming payment of the service fee. The Public Service Development Agency makes a decision regarding the issuance of a work residence permit within 30 days, the service fee is 210 GEL. It is possible to receive expedited service - in case of requesting a decision within 20 days, the service fee is 330 GEL, and in case of requesting a decision within 10 days - 410 GEL. A work residence permit is issued for a maximum period of 6 years. Our company's lawyers will assist you in obtaining the documents required for submission to the Public Service Development Agency to obtain a work residence permit, and will also provide representation in Public Service Halls.